St Andrew's URC PeterboroughURC logo

St Andrew's URC Peterborough entrance
We hope you find the help and information you are looking for, but our website can only provide a flavour of life at St Andrew's, so we invite you to contact us or come along, see for yourself and join us for worship.  

A warm welcome awaits you!

The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, He leads me beside quiet waters, He refreshes my soul, He guides me along the right paths for His name's sake. 

(Psalm 23.1-3 NIV-UK)

  St Andrew’s URC Mission Statement

To worship God in thanksgiving and celebration living out the good news of Jesus Christ and serving one another and our community

St Andrew's lunch raises £800 for Christian Aid!

St Andrew's URC Christian Aid lunch

The church holds a monthly ‘Bring and Share’ lunches after a morning service. The special lunch in May was a fundraising event for Christian Aid. which was supplemented by donations. raising £800 in total.

July & August 2024 services and events at St Andrew's

Please join us for morning worship and the other events listed below. Services start at 11am unless otherwise stated

28 July

Morning Worship

Led by Rev Fiona Ogg

4 Aug

Morning Worship 

Led by Rev Clare Davison

11 Aug

Morning Worship 

Led by Rev Jackie Bullen

18 Aug 

 Morning Worship (followed by church BBQ)

Led by Rev Lesley Moseley

Please see page 6 of  July/Aug magazine for details

25 Aug 

Morning Worship

Led by Rev Fiona Ogg 

St Andrew's URC Peterborough cross

St Andrew's URC Peterborough communion table

St Andrew's URC Peterborough interior from back

St Andrew's URC Peterborough interior from organ