
Pictures from recent events at St Andrew's.

Nativity Service and Christmas Lunch (Dec 2016)

Christmas at St Andrews 4

Christmas at St Andrews 2

After the nativity service, around 90 people enjoyed our annual Christmas lunch in the hall.

St Andrews Church Christmas lunch 2016

Christmas at St Andrews 1Christmas at St Andrews 3a

Pentecost Festival (May 2016)

Pentecost mosaic by Alison ParryIn May 2016, St Andrew's organised a Pentecost Festival.

This exciting community event included a wide range of Pentecost-themed activities for children and adults, from arts and crafts, to singing, worship and Messy Church.

This community event included, in our church, a labyrinth ...

Pentecost Festival labyrinth

... a prayer zone ...

Pentecost Festival prayer zone

... flower displays ...

Pentecost Festival flowers 1Pentecost Festival flowers 2

... singing by the U3A Harmonies group, and ...

Pentecost Festival U3A Harmonies Group

... an art exhibition and competition, with entries from ...

Pentecost Festival artwork displays 3

... local art groups and schools ...

Pentecost Festival artwork displays 2

... and from many of our church members.

Pentecost Festival artwork displays 1

Craft activities in our newly refurbished hall

Pentecost Festival church hall craft tables

... and refreshments for all!

St Andrews recently refurbished church hall

Flower Festival (Advent 2015)

Flower Festival 1 Advent 2015

Flower Festival 11 Advent 2015

Flower Festival 4 Advent 2015Flower Festival 6 Advent 2015

Flower Festival 5 Advent 2015

Flower Festival 2 Advent 2015Flower Festival 3 Advent 2015

Flower Festival 7 Advent 2015

Flower Festival 9 Advent 2015

Flower Festival 10 Advent 2015