Community Activities

Our buildings are well used by local groups, including:

  • The Netherton Friendship club
  • Peterborough Choral Society
  • NHS Retirement Fellowship
  • Peterborough U3A Groups
  • Handful of Harmonies
  • Music for Little People
  • Zumba with Chloe
  • Desert Dancing
  • The Wildlife Trusts – Peterborough Group
  • Peterborough Floral Decoration Society
  • Peterborough Anglo French Association
  • Longthorpe Community Concert Band
  • Peterborough & Stamford National Trust Group
See the 'What's on at St Andrew's?' information sheet for contact details, available in the church vestibule.

St Andrew’s also has links with the local Primary and Secondary schools. This may involve educational visits to the Church.

The church hall is used as a Polling Station for local and national elections.


Acting on the guidance provided by Her Majesty’s Government and on the advice given by the General Secretary of the United Reformed Church concerning measures that should be taken to limit the spread of the Corona Virus within the population at large, the Elders of St. Andrew’s have reluctantly decided that it is appropriate to suspend all acts of worship and public gatherings in our church and hall until further notice.

We regret that this course of action has been required and we will endeavour to serve the needs of our congregation and the wider community in other ways until such time as the situation changes.

Colin Jeffries
Church Secretary,
St. Andrew’s United Reformed Church
01733 222532